Friday, June 03, 2005

Checker Chess and Poker

Actually, no checker or chess. Just poker.

Sometimes being the veteran poker player isn't such an advantage. For one, you've got to teach everyone how to play. Two, the n00bz you're playing against are like baby rattle snakes -- unpredictable with uncontrolled venom. They call you when you're sure they'll fold and they'll fold after committing a 3rd of their chips. I mean who stays in with an 8, 3 off suited? MATT CARROLL DOES. And apparently is rewarded with a 4 of a kind. TWICE. The perfect poker players really -- those baby rattlers.

But poker's really about hanging out with the friends and drinking some beer. At least that's what the losers say.

Check out Pete's site for a couple pics and his [in]famous Read 'em and Weep standings. And this guy was the one who asked me what the order of the hands were as he raked in all our chips (and eventually cash).

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that most of us have poker nicknames now:
  • Nick "Le Renard D'argent" Denny (The Silver Fox. Yes, we know it really means "The Money Fox," but we're using it as money being a silver piece. Quite a play on words, no?)
  • Scott "The Doctor" Belmonte
  • Matt "Big Boy" Carroll
  • and Jarold "J-walk" Espiritu (I think that's the tentative one anyway)


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